#この大規模小売業者による納入業者との取引における特定の不公正な取引方法(平成十七年公正取引委員会告示第十一号)(平成17年11月1日施行)の翻訳は、「法令用語日英標準対訳辞書」(平成19年3月版)に準拠して作成したものです。なお、この法令の翻訳は公定訳ではありません。法的効力を有するのは日本語の法令自体であり、翻訳はあくまでその理解を助けるための参考資料です。この翻訳の利用に伴って発生した問題について、一切の責任を負いかねますので、法律上の問題に関しては、官報に掲載された日本語の法令を参照してください。 # This English translation of the Designation of Specific Unfair Trade Practices by Large-Scale Retailers Relating to Trade with Suppliers (Fair Trade Commission Notification No. 11 of 2005 (effective November 1, 2005)) has been prepared in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary (March 2007 edition). This is an unofficial translation. Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations. The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this Website, or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this Website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette. 大規模小売業者による納入業者との取引における特定の不公正な取引方法 Designation of Specific Unfair Trade Practices by Large-Scale Retailers Relating to Trade with Suppliers 平成十七年五月十三日 May 13, 2005 公正取引委員会告示第十一号 Fair Trade Commission Notification No. 11 of 2005 私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(昭和二十二年法律第五十四号)第二条第九項の規定に基づき、大規模小売業者による納入業者との取引における特定の不公正な取引方法を次のように指定する。 In line with the provisions of paragraph 9, Article 2 of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (Act No. 54 of 1947), the Designation of Specific Unfair Trade Practices by Large-Scale Retailers Relating to Trade with Suppliers shall be designated as follows: 大規模小売業者による納入業者との取引における特定の不公正な取引方法 Designation of Specific Unfair Trade Practices by Large-Scale Retailers Relating to Trade with Suppliers (不当な返品) (Unjust return of goods) 1 大規模小売業者が、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合を除き、自己又はその加盟者(以下「自己等」という。)が納入業者から購入した商品の全部又は一部を当該納入業者に対して返品すること(購入契約を委託販売契約に切り替えて返品すること、他の商品と取り替えること等、実質的に購入した商品の返品となる行為を含む。以下同じ。)。 (1) A large-scale retailer returns goods in all or in part, which the retailer itself or its franchisees (hereinafter referred to as "the retailer, etc.") purchased from a supplier, to that supplier (including acts materially equivalent to the return of goods, for example changing the contract from a purchase contract to a consignment sales contract or replacing the goods with other goods; the same shall apply hereinafter), except in the following cases:  一 納入業者の責めに帰すべき事由により、当該商品を受領した日から相当の期間内に、当該事由を勘案して相当と認められる数量の範囲内で返品する場合 (i) Return of goods to a supplier for a reason attributable to the supplier within a reasonable period from the day of receipt and limited to a quantity deemed appropriate given the reason,  二 商品の購入に当たって納入業者との合意により返品の条件を定め、その条件に従って返品する場合(当該商品について、その受領の日から一定の期間内における一定の数量の範囲内での返品又は受領した商品の総量に対して一定の数量の範囲内での返品が、大規模小売業者と納入業者との取引以外の一般の卸売取引において正常な商慣習となっており、かつ、当該商慣習の範囲内で返品の条件を定める場合に限る。) (ii) Return of goods to a supplier in accordance with fixed conditions for return based on an agreement with the supplier at the time of purchasing the goods (limited to cases in which it is normal trade practice in general wholesale trade, excluding trade between large-scale retailers and suppliers, to return goods within a fixed period after the date of receipt and limited to a fixed quantity, or limited to a quantity in fixed proportion to the total quantity received and in which the conditions for the return of goods are set forth within the scope of the normal trade practice),  三 あらかじめ納入業者の同意を得て、かつ、商品の返品によって当該納入業者に通常生ずべき損失を大規模小売業者が負担する場合 (iii) Return of goods to a supplier with the supplier's prior consent, provided that the large-scale retailer accepts the loss that would normally be incurred by the supplier arising from the return of goods already delivered, and  四 納入業者から商品の返品を受けたい旨の申出があり、かつ、当該納入業者が当該商品を処分することが当該納入業者の直接の利益となる場合 (iv) Return of goods to a supplier at the request of the supplier, provided that the disposal of the returned goods leads to direct benefits for the supplier. (不当な値引き) (Unjust price reduction) 2 大規模小売業者が、自己等が納入業者から商品を購入した後において、当該商品の納入価格の値引きを当該納入業者にさせること。ただし、当該納入業者の責めに帰すべき事由により、当該商品を受領した日から相当の期間内に、当該事由を勘案して相当と認められる金額の範囲内で納入価格の値引きをさせる場合を除く。 (2) A large-scale retailer coerces a supplier into accepting a price reduction of the delivery price of goods purchased by the retailer, etc. after purchasing the goods from the supplier, except when the supplier accepts a reduction of the delivered price for any reason attributable to the supplier within a reasonable period from the date of receipt and to an extent deemed appropriate given the reason. (不当な委託販売取引) (Unjust consignment sales contract) 3 大規模小売業者が、大規模小売業者と納入業者との取引以外の一般の委託販売取引における正常な商慣習に照らして納入業者に著しく不利益となるような条件をもって、当該納入業者に自己等と委託販売取引をさせること。 (3) A large-scale retailer coerces a supplier into accepting a consignment sales contract with the retailer, etc. under conditions that are excessively disadvantageous to the supplier in light of normal trade practices carried out in general transactions of consignment sales excluding trade between large-scale retailers and suppliers. (特売商品等の買いたたき) (Forcing suppliers to lower prices for bargain sales, etc.) 4 大規模小売業者が、自己等が特売等の用に供する特定の商品について、当該商品と同種の商品に係る自己等への通常の納入価格に比べて著しく低い価格を定め、当該価格をもって納入業者に納入させること。 (4) A large-scale retailer sets delivery prices for particular goods that are excessively lower than the ordinary delivery prices of equivalent goods to the retailer, etc. for purposes such as bargain sales and forces a supplier to deliver the goods at the said prices. (特別注文品の受領拒否) (Refusal to receive specifically ordered goods) 5 大規模小売業者が、納入業者に対してあらかじめ特別の規格、意匠、型式等を指示して特定の商品を納入させることを契約した後において、当該納入業者の責めに帰すべき事由がないのに、当該商品の全部又は一部の受領を拒むこと。ただし、あらかじめ納入業者の同意を得て、かつ、商品の受領を拒むことによって当該納入業者に通常生ずべき損失を当該大規模小売業者が負担する場合を除く。 (5) A large-scale retailer refuses delivery of all or part of specific goods for reasons not attributable to the supplier after having entered into a contract in which the large-scale retailer designated specific standards, designs, types, etc. of the goods to be delivered, except in cases in which it obtains the supplier's consent for the refusal and in which the large-scale retailer accepts the loss that would normally be incurred by the supplier as a result of the refusal. (押し付け販売等) (Coercion to purchase, etc.) 6 大規模小売業者が、正当な理由がある場合を除き、納入業者に自己の指定する商品を購入させ、又は役務を利用させること。 (6) A large-scale retailer coerces a supplier into purchasing any goods or services designated by the retailer, unless there is due cause. (納入業者の従業員等の不当使用等) (Unjust assignment of work to employees of suppliers, etc.) 7 大規模小売業者が、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合を除き、自己等の業務に従事させるため、納入業者にその従業員等を派遣させ、又はこれに代えて自己等が雇用する従業員等の人件費を納入業者に負担させること。 (7) A large-scale retailer coerces a supplier into dispatching employees to assist with the ordinary operations of the retailer, etc., or the large-scale retailer coerces the supplier into paying the labor costs of employees hired by the retailer, etc. in lieu of coercing the supplier into dispatching employees, except in any of the following cases:  一 あらかじめ納入業者の同意を得て、その従業員等を当該納入業者の納入に係る商品の販売業務(その従業員等が大規模小売業者の店舗に常駐している場合にあっては、当該商品の販売業務及び棚卸業務)のみに従事させる場合(その従業員等が有する販売に関する技術又は能力が当該業務に有効に活用されることにより、当該納入業者の直接の利益となる場合に限る。) (i) With the prior consent of the supplier, the large-scale retailer assigns dispatched employees solely to sales operations of those goods delivered by the supplier (or sales and inventory operations for those goods if the dispatched employees of the supplier are regularly stationed at a store of the large-scale retailer), and limited to the extent that enables effective use of sales techniques or other ability possessed by the dispatched employees that leads to direct benefits for the supplier.  二 派遣を受ける従業員等の業務内容、労働時間、派遣期間等の派遣の条件についてあらかじめ納入業者と合意し、かつ、その従業員等の派遣のために通常必要な費用を大規模小売業者が負担する場合 (ii) The large-scale retailer reaches a prior agreement with the supplier with respect to the dispatch terms and conditions, such as the types of duties assigned to dispatched employees, working hours and the period of dispatch, and it pays the cost generally required for the dispatch of employees. (不当な経済上の利益の収受等) (Unjust receipt of economic benefits, etc.) 8 前項に規定するもののほか、大規模小売業者が、自己等のために、納入業者に本来当該納入業者が提供する必要のない金銭、役務その他の経済上の利益を提供させ、又は当該納入業者が得る利益等を勘案して合理的であると認められる範囲を超えて金銭、役務その他の経済上の利益を提供させること。 (8) In addition to those acts set forth in the preceding paragraph, a large-scale retailer coerces a supplier into providing the retailer, etc. with economic benefits including money and services that the supplier clearly should not have to offer or that exceeds the limit recognized as reasonable in consideration of the benefits reaped by the supplier. (要求拒否の場合の不利益な取扱い) (Unfavorable treatment in response to refusal of requests) 9 納入業者が前各項に規定する行為に係る要求に応じないことを理由として、大規模小売業者が、当該納入業者に対して代金の支払を遅らせ、取引の数量を減じ、取引を停止し、その他不利益な取扱いをすること。 (9) A large-scale retailer gives unfavorable treatment including delayed payment for goods delivered, reduction in trade volume, suspension of trade with a supplier on the grounds that the supplier refuses any of the requests set forth in any of the preceding paragraphs. (公正取引委員会への報告に対する不利益な取扱い) (Unfavorable treatment in response to notification to the Fair Trade Commission) 10 大規模小売業者が前各項に規定する行為をした場合又は当該行為をしている場合に、納入業者が公正取引委員会に対しその事実を知らせ、又は知らせようとしたことを理由として、当該大規模小売業者が、当該納入業者に対して代金の支払を遅らせ、取引の数量を減じ、取引を停止し、その他不利益な取扱いをすること。 (10) A large-scale retailer gives unfavorable treatment including delayed payment for goods delivered, reduction in trade volume, suspension of trade with a supplier on the grounds that the supplier notified, or attempted to notify the Fair Trade Commission of the fact that the large-scale retailer conducted, continued to conduct or continues to conduct any of the acts described in one of the preceding paragraphs. 備考 Remarks 1 この告示において「大規模小売業者」とは、一般消費者により日常使用される商品の小売業を行う者(特定連鎖化事業(中小小売商業振興法(昭和四十八年法律第百一号)第十一条第一項に規定する特定連鎖化事業をいう。以下同じ。)を行う者を含む。)であって、次の各号のいずれかに該当するものをいう。 (1) For the purposes of this Notification, the term "large-scale retailer" means an entrepreneur that engages in the retail sale of goods that are used by general consumers on a daily basis, including any retailer engaged in a designated chain business (which refers to the designated chain business provided in paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Act Concerning the Promotion of Small and Medium Retail Business (Act No. 101 of 1973); the same shall apply hereinafter), and which falls under any of the following items:  一 前事業年度における売上高(特定連鎖化事業を行う者にあっては、当該特定連鎖化事業に加盟する者の売上高を含む。)が百億円以上である者 (i) An entrepreneur with sales of 10 billion yen or more in its last completed fiscal year. If the business is a designated chain business, the sales earned by the franchisees of the designated chain business shall be taken into account.  二 次に掲げるいずれかの店舗を有する者 (ii) An entrepreneur owning a store that falls under either of the following descriptions:   イ 東京都の特別区の存する区域及び地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二百五十二条の十九第一項の指定都市の区域内にあっては、店舗面積(小売業を行うための店舗の用に供される床面積をいう。以下同じ。)が三千平方メートル以上の店舗 (a) A store with a floor space (meaning the floor area for the retail store; the same shall apply hereinafter) of three thousand square meters (3,000 square meters) or more within the limits of the Tokyo metropolitan area (special wards only) and designated cities prescribed in paragraph 1, Article 252-19 of the Local Governmental Act (Act No. 67 of 1947)   ロ イに掲げる市以外の市及び町村の区域内にあっては、店舗面積が千五百平方メートル以上の店舗 (b) A store with floor space of one thousand five hundred square meters (1,500 square meters) or more within the limits of cities other than those falling under (a), towns and villages 2 この告示において「加盟者」とは、大規模小売業者が行う特定連鎖化事業に加盟する者をいう。 (2) For the purposes of this Notification, the term "Franchisee" means a franchisee participating in a designated chain business operated by a large-scale retailer. 3 この告示において「納入業者」とは、大規模小売業者又はその加盟者が自ら販売し、又は委託を受けて販売する商品を当該大規模小売業者又は当該加盟者に納入する事業者(その取引上の地位が当該大規模小売業者に対して劣っていないと認められる者を除く。)をいう。 (3) For the purposes of this Notification, the term "Supplier" means an entrepreneur that supplies a large-scale retailer or its franchisees with goods for their own sales or for sales on consignment, excluding any entrepreneur whose bargaining position is not inferior to that of the large-scale retailer in question. 附則 Supplementary provisions 1 この告示は、平成十七年十一月一日から施行する。 (1) This Notification will take effect from November 1, 2005. 2 百貨店業における特定の不公正な取引方法(昭和二十九年公正取引委員会告示第七号。以下「旧告示」という。)は、廃止する。 (2) The Designation of Specific Unfair Trade Practices in the Department Store Business (Fair Trade Commission Notification No. 7 of 1954; hereinafter referred to as the "Former Notification") will be abolished when this Notification takes effect. 3 旧告示備考第一項に規定する百貨店業者のこの告示の施行前にした行為については、なお従前の例による。 (3) For acts by a Department Store Entity prescribed in paragraph 1 of the remarks of the Former Notification that take place prior to the enforcement of this Notification, the provisions then in force shall still apply.